Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Tale of The Tail blog has begun!

Attention readers and/or classmates:
I did it. I know that as a fellow Online Marketing student, and more importantly friend, you pay close attention to my blogs and therefore recollect a blog about a future blog I planned to create. Well, the wait is over! As of today my blog for my future book The Tale of The Tail exists. Add me..Please! I posted the link to my facebook today and as of this minute I have four followers. Okay, so what if one of the followers includes myself? Nothing wrong with that..

So far I've created an author bio, as well as project and book description. I have also posted one illustration. I'm thinking more pictures of the actual process might be interesting.

I also want to make the blog more interactive by perhaps posing a question to the readers. Another idea I had is to pick a person each week and ask them a question. I will then post both their response and picture on my page. The people posted will be related to either the field or my process. For example, when I make a copy/print of an image, I'll ask an employee of the shop for a suggestion. There is definitely a possibility that this person will be irritated/not interested in participating. I'll just have to keep approaching people until someone concedes. Obviously, if they allow me to take a picture of them and post it on my blog then they're gonna wanna see it. Perhaps their friends will want to check out the blog to see their friend. Perhaps the word of mouth process will create more traffic.

I'm trying to establish my blog a bit before I contact the big guys--magazine blogs. In class Marty made a really good observation about etsy and how the more items you posted and the frequency with which you post them dictates how often you appear in their feed. This got me to thinking about other items I could create and sell through my account. I have several wood blocks that have already been carved. I could make some prints and post these.

The biggest problem is getting people to come to the blog. I don't necessarily want people to come and check out the page now while it's underdeveloped. It hasn't reached its full potential yet, and thus isn't extremely interesting. I don't want people to see it and leave uninterested and never return. Another risk is waiting too late to obtain followers. I could be done with the book and have an interesting blog, but with no followers, or at least none that watched the process as it unfolded. The only solution I can see is work really hard on the book and blog now, while at the same time trying to attract a readership. Attracting a readership is a process that surely doesn't happen overnight.

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