Friday, March 5, 2010

The Future

If I were to look into a crystal ball and imagine the publishing world ten years from now what would I see? Who would still be standing?

Well, in my humble and obviously online-marketing schooled opinion, consolidation would indeed continue. Only a few large publishing companies would still be standing.

I see POD becoming even a larger, more profitable industry because of the option of small print runs, and the availability to anyone and everyone. With the industry declining in profit, publishers will probably be even less likely to publish books from unknown authors on unfamiliar or unpopular topics. Sure, POD enables crappy books to be published, but with the crap comes the quality literature that otherwise wouldn’t have a home.

Self-publishing in general will rise. Already there are so many resources available to anyone and everyone. There are books on the subject, classes, websites..etc..With blogs and websites people are able to distribute their writing on a limited level.

While I don’t see e-books completely obliterating the physical book, I do see the industry rising and not just as a passing fad. In my mind there will always be some kind of market for the physical book. I do see college textbooks becoming e-books entirely. It makes sense, cheaper for students, no buybacks, less confusion when the textbooks are updated (new editions arrive).

While conglomerates dominate the industry and revenue, places like Powell’s will still exist because they are distributing the big titles produced by the conglomerates. Their small press section will be comprised of self-published and POD books, because let’s face it actual small presses will be a rarity.